When we were in Tasmania, we took a photo cruise down into the great southern ocean. The scenery was spectacular (I’ll share those another time), and there was tons of wildlife. On an island off the south tip there was a huge colony of sea lions basking on the rocks. Somehow this one had climbed, jumped, flown? about 20 feet up the side of a near-cliff. So this must be the very rare Great Southern Flying Sea Lion.
Friday Photo – Here’s Looking at ‘Roo’
Friday Photo – Koala at Tower Hill
We recently visited the Tower Hill nature reserve in Victoria, Australia. It’s our second time, and continues to be an amazing place to see wildlife. This koala was in a tree right near the parking lot just snoozing away, ignoring the crazy American with his camera.
It got me thinking though, there’s a moral here for cybersecurity too – no matter how safe and comfortable we think we are, there’s always something sharp ready to poke us in our complacent rears.