I really enjoy shooting panoramic photographs – there’s no better way to capture the scope and scale of a scene. Normally this involves a tripod, leveling and pano heads, and a lot of fiddling – none of which can you do while on tour at the top of an ancient Abbey in Bath, UK. This is a handheld pano, shot quickly while walking across the roof, hoping the rain would hold off just a bit more. You can see the Roman baths to the right, and the courtyard out front. Bath’s a great place to just go and relax for a week…just leave the tripod in the hotel room!
Welsh Angel

Every once in a while, a quick snapshot turns out to be far more than expected. I snapped this of my wife on a whim while we were walking down the street in Llandudno, Wales. Her family has roots there, and we’d been visiting – it’s an incredibly peaceful city, just the right place to sit back and relax. We had a lot of surprises there, including someone singing John Denver’s Country Roads on a street corner with a Welsh accent (I think the Kingsman must have gotten the idea from that trip). But the biggest surprise was how this quick snapshot captured the beauty and spirit of an amazing woman.